The Manual

07 Apr 2021


I thought I was going to receive my second Pfizer vaccine today. I showed up on time with my documentation, and handed it over to the lady behind the sign-up desk.

She took a quick look at my card, and asked me if I had already had my first shot. It seemed odd to me that she would ask, because I just presented my card as evidence that I had.

Then she asked, “Where did you receive your first dose?”. Immediately, I knew something was about to go sideways. I told her, and she said “Let me go check on this.”.

Moments later, she and another lady came back to me and said that they were “unable” to administer the second dose to me because I got my first dose in a different location. She provided the following as an extended justification: “People have been going all over for their first dose and then coming here for the second dose and we are short.”

My initial reaction, as is usual in these sorts of situations, was to simply provide an ack and depart. On the way back home though I got a little angry, and I feel like it’s mostly misplaced. I’m upset with Duke for not giving me a heads up about the policy, but the rest of my negativity isn’t resting in the right place yet I don’t think.

Anyhow, I’ll be returning to the spot where I got my first shot in a couple days to finish my course.